

Stone Packaging Process For A Safe And Secure Delivery Of Natural Stone Slabs

The stones you choose for your house and office are the representation of your style, the essence of your taste and a replica of your ideas. So when you pay utmost attention to details and minor intricacies while choosing the natural stone slabs for your place, why lag behind when it comes to stone packaging? Stone packaging is a critical aspect of natural stone purchasing; if the stone packaging is not done correctly, it becomes highly probable to receive damaged natural stone slabs.

Therefore, when choosing a natural stone exporter to buy the right stone slab, check how they accomplish their stone packaging. At Sevenn Seas Stone, we take high care from natural stone slab selection to stone packaging and delivery, so natural stone slabs reach your destination just as you desire. 

Read below how we take care of our natural stone slabs!

Sevenn Seas Stone Takes Care Of Its Products 

If you wonder about the credibility of natural stone exporters, you can trust Sevenn Seas Stone.  It’s the right destination to get top-quality natural stone slabs of different colours, textures and patterns to exemplify your place's beauty.

Avoids Breakage At All Costs

We understand customers' needs and take the utmost precautions while handling every order. While dealing with every order, we follow an established procedure and follow legitimate measures for stone packaging to deliver the goods in the best condition.

Packaging of Stones At Sevenn Seas Stone

If you choose Sevenn Seas Stone to purchase the befitting natural stone slabs for your place, you can forget your worries about stone packaging at bay. 

Step 1: Creating A Setup

Every client requires natural stone slabs in different sizes, and thus the first step of stone packaging is creating the correct stone setup. This setup is generally made using solid eucalyptus wood, known for its sturdiness and flexibility. This way, the crates we manufacture are safe and reliable for secure natural stone packaging and delivery.

Step 2: Make Preparations For Stone Packaging

After creating the setup for stone packaging, it's now time to move forward to the second step, which is to prepare the crate for packing the stones safely. During this step, the inner parts of the crate are amply covered by polythene and foam sheet, which safeguards no scratches and damage come to the natural stone slabs, and the clients receive the product in the best condition.

Step 3: Placing The Stones Carefully 

Now comes the actual stone placing part of the stone packaging. When the crate is adequately covered with a foam sheet, we carefully put the natural stone slabs inside the crate. Stones placing is done in such a manner that all the slabs are aligned symmetrically to utilise the most space; also, it is ensured that there is no space left around the stones so that there is no room left for movement and thus damage. 

Step 4: Securing The Natural Stone Slabs

The fourth step of stone packaging is securing the slabs inside the crate. After the crate is filled, a foam sheet and polythene are secured on the upper part, which will later be nailed shut to provide the same force, scratch and damage resistance as other sides of the crate. Additionally, the crate is chemically treated and fumigated to kill harmful germs and bacteria for safe dispatching.

Step 5: Sealing The Crate

After placing the stones and securing them in the crate, the stone packaging moves toward the last part, sealing the crate. In this part, the crate is sealed shut using nails, and another layer of polythene sheet is used to cover the shipment from the sun, water and cold exposure. Since exposure to these external atmospheres can damage some natural stone slabs, using polythene sheets becomes incredibly important. Lastly, packaging straps are tied around the crate to secure it from all sides.

Types Of Stone Offered By Sevenn Seas Stone

Being natural stones exporter provide differnt , from granite and marble to Quartz and Exotic Stones. Read in detail below: 


It is a light-coloured igneous rock with a grainy texture that is visible to the naked eye. This natural stone is formed after the slow crystallisation of magma below the Earth's surface. We have high-quality granite in store for you, featuring snowy patterns to tiger prints.


Quartz is another natural stone type we provide, which is made by a mixture of quartz aggregated chips pigment, resin binders and additives. Due to multiple quartz usage, these slabs are available in various colours and textures, and we pay special attention to their safety during stone packaging.


It is a type of limestone which has been metamorphosed into a slab. Marble slabs are an excellent option for kitchens, bathrooms and even living rooms because of their free-flowing patterns and ruggedness. Order beautiful and vibrant marble slabs and leave the stone packaging to us! Being a marble exporter in usa, trust our packaging. 


When the layers of sand are sedimented together, either from water or other natural forces, this leads to sandstone manufacturing. And we have a fantastic collection of sandstone of different amazing and unique patterns that are worked with nimble hands during stone packaging.

Exotic Granites

For a more exquisite appearance at your place, exotic granites are the perfect option. Because of their dynamic and unique colours and patterns, they are one of the most opted natural stone slab types. Being an Exotic Granite Manufacturer we know they can be a little on the pricey side, we pay extra attention to minor details while stone packaging them.

Sevenn Seas Stone: Your Trusted Partner For Quality Stones & Safe Packaging

Sevenn Seas Stone, a leading stone exporter with knowledge and experience in the field, brings you high-quality natural stones to beautify your place. We follow the customers from beginning to end of the project and provide a one-stop solution for all their stone-related queries.